The Mariposa Center for Girls is home to direct service programs for girls aged 8 - 18+
Mariposas participate in our regular programs on site throughout the academic year and during our summer camp.
To keep our girls in school and help them stay successful academically, we provide them with uniforms, school supplies, safe transportation and full scholarships. We offer extra academic support through tutoring and homework help both before and after school and during the summer. We work closely with educators to help Mariposas to be successful in school and offer additional support in the spectrum of basic literacy to STEAM courses.
On an island where climate change impacts day to day life, environmental education is crucial to creating strong future leaders. Experiencing nature firsthand teaches children to love and care for the environment, ensuring that they will grow into environmentally conscious adults. Mariposas learn earth science and ecology through field trips to the surrounding ecosystems. Our growing list of activities include gardening, nature hikes, surfing, SUP and beach cleanup. We also have a Riverkeepers program, where the Maripsoas are stewards of the nearby river, La Yásica.
We believe that the arts are a critical component of a holistic education for all children. Exposure to creative outlets are associated with gains in verbal skills, motivation, concentration, confidence and teamwork. We create an environment rich in culture and arts, enabling Mariposas to develop their imagination and critical thinking skills, adding to overall academic achievement and success. Our programs include dance, visual art, music, theater and spoken word. See some of our music videos here.
It is hard to learn when you don’t feel well or are tired. For this reason we teach self-care, mindfulness and health education. The Mariposa girls have weekly classes that cover an array of topics from sex education, hand washing and disease prevention, food preparation, and physical education. Every Mariposa has a well-check with a doctor and a dentist visit at least once a year. We also work to provide eye exams and assistance with eyeglasses. To practice self-care we also offer yoga and meditation classes on a weekly basis.
Getting involved in the community is a key pillar in our education model. The girls not only have the opportunities to contribute to creating clean and beautiful spaces, but they also serve as shining examples in their community as stewards of their environment. From community clean ups to mural paintings and volunteering in local schools, each Mariposa girl will participate in 15-20 hours of community engagement per year.
Some of the best learning experiences happen through field trips and they are a key component to our experiential learning program. The island is our classroom and the RD provides some of the most diverse experiences, from the old town in Santo Domingo, to the coffee farms in the mountains, to the mouth of the river. From horseback riding to boat tours, museums, local and national tourist attractions, the Mariposas are everywhere! We also have yearly celebrations, such as Border of Lights and Earth Day.
Countless studies have shown that girls who participate in sports have higher self-confidence and do better in school. It is our goal to have all of our girls engage in some form of weekly physical activity, as well as develop the talent of those who are showing promise in or taking a special interest in a particular sport. With our very own pool directly on our property all Mariposa girls have the opportunity to learn the critical life skill of swimming as well as engage in various sports such as surfing, windsurfing, kite surfing, soccer, softball, volleyball, tennis and circus training.
When we started just eight years ago, we dreamt of the day when all of our girls would make it to the eighth grade. In a short time, they have far exceeded expectations with all of them making it to the eighth grade and the majority of them moving on to high school and even college. What we are doing is working; it is changing the narrative for girls born into extreme poverty. In 2015, in response to these successes, we started the Mariposas Volando Program to offer internships in various fields and scholarships for continuing education. Learn more here.
Creating a model for the world.
A first-rate facility that inspires achievement: In the fall of 2012, The Mariposa DR Foundation purchased a large piece of property in the town of Cabarete that was formerly a hotel. It had been vacant for many years, was run-down and needed extensive repairs. We transformed the entire area into a beautiful facility where underserved girls/young women come to engage in sports, receive academic tutoring, have access to libraries and computers, receive job and life skills training and health and wellness care. For the Mariposas, having their own safe space allows them to develop healthy relationships with mentors and other girls in the community, and feel empowered to make a difference in their lives, their communities and the world.
Our innovative Center attracts visitors from all over the globe. It is a place where educators and girl champions can share knowledge and best practices on how empowering girls will lift entire families out of generational poverty.
Imagine. As you enter into the building your eyes are immediately drawn to the beautifully diverse and life-sized portraits of girls that decorate the walls of the exhibit gallery. Each girl painted and posing confidently with a smile that shows her fortitude. The vaulted ceiling illuminates the entry foyer and brings light to the array of exhibits that make up the space. Imagine with us.

The partnerships we’ve made help ensure girls in our community are offered support from cradle to college. 3 Mariposas Montessori provides high-quality Montessori education to children six months to seven years old, and the Dominican and Haitian girls that graduate from their programs join our programs. United World College (UWC) offers incredible IB opportunities, and has given some of our Mariposas the opportunity to study at universities int he U.S. on full scholarships.
Soy de Cabarete
“Soy de Cabarete”, which translates to “I am from Cabarete”, is an original song written by the talented Mariposa girls that make up the Foundation’s Musical Group. In 2016-- led by our Music Professor, Tadeu De Marco--our percussionists, singers and guitarists poured their hearts onto the page and came up with this celebratory anthem, this ode to their hometown.
Cabarete is a unique and beautiful place. The “Soy de Cabarete” lyrics are astounding in that, with simplicity, they have captured the soul of Cabarete: its natural charms, its melting pot of cultures, the liveliness of its neighborhoods. The Mariposas placed a collective finger on the pulse of pride they feel for their town and turned that effervescent heartbeat into a rhythm to which we could all sing along.
Calle Principal Sosua-Cabarete, Puerto Plata,
Dominican Republic.
DR Phone: (809) 571 0610